[smokeping-users] Standard Deviation in Smokeping

Rui Meireles rmeireles at tec.dsr.telecom.pt
Thu Jan 22 17:27:02 CET 2009

Regarding (and closing) this subject, I'll send a little contribution, the
script I made to automatically store a weekly chart of values:

      ./smokeping_stats.pl -d <directory> -s <days> [ -e] [ -D]
      -e : Output in Microsoft EXCEL mode
      -D : DEBUG


1 - Save the attached file into /opt/scripts/smokeping/smokeping_stats.pl

2 - Add this line in /etc/crontab:
1 2 * * 0 root /opt/scripts/smokeping/smokeping_stats.pl -d
/usr/smokeping/data/WAN/BBIP/ -s 7 > /opt/log/smokeping_stats/
`date "+%Y%m%d"`-BBIP-week.log 2>&1


2009/01/22      16:19:01        Estatisticas dos ultimos 7 dias.
Equipamento     RTT Med(ms)     RTT Max(ms)     RTT Min(ms)     Perdas
Med(%)   STD Med(ms)     RTT Med/STD Med
BE-ALM1 11.025  12.085  10.413  0.022321%       7.953   1.386309
BE-ARE1 10.293  12.527  9.013   0.027183%       11.803  0.872061
BE-AV1  5.759   6.129   5.579   0.027282%       5.38    1.070431

Some comments and variable names are in Portuguese, but it should be easy
enough to change them. Hope it helps someone in need... ;)


-----Original Message-----
From: Rui Meireles [mailto:rmeireles at tec.dsr.telecom.pt] 
Sent: quarta-feira, 21 de Janeiro de 2009 18:42
To: 'Tobias Oetiker'
Cc: smokeping-users at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: Re: [smokeping-users] Standard Deviation in Smokeping

Thanks Tobi. Using that function (calc_stddev) and digging Smokeping.pm I
was able to make a script to calculate all the values shown in the Legend of
"Overview graphs".

Here's what I did, it might help someone:

(I cannot be a sponsor, but I'll look at your Amazon wishlist ;) )


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;

my $rrd = "/usr/smokeping/data/WAN/MPLS/CR-PCS1.rrd";
my $i = 0;		# No slaves
my $max = 100000;
my $interval_s = "-s -86400";	# 1 day
my @G = ();

# Determine number of datasources
my $pings = 0;
my $cmd1 = "/usr/bin/rrdtool info $rrd |grep \"ds\\[ping\"";
my @out = `$cmd1`;
foreach(@out) {
	# Search last datasource. Ex: ds[ping20]
	if(/^ds\[ping(\d+)\]/) {
		$pings = $1 if($1 > $pings);

# Fetch info
push @G,
	"/usr/bin/rrdtool graph $rrd $interval_s",

my $cmd2 = join(" ", @G);
my $out = `$cmd2`;
print $out;

sub calc_stddev {
	my $rrd = shift;
	my $id = shift;
	my $pings = shift;
	my @G = map
},UN,0,pin${id}p${_},IF")} 1..$pings;
	push @G, "CDEF:pings${id}="."$pings,p${id}p1,UN,".join(",",map
{"p${id}p$_,UN,+"} 2..$pings).",-";
	push @G, "CDEF:m${id}="."p${id}p1,".join(",",map {"p${id}p$_,+"}
	push @G, "CDEF:sdev${id}=p${id}p1,m${id},-,DUP,*,".join(",",map
{"p${id}p$_,m${id},-,DUP,*,+"} 2..$pings).",pings${id},/,SQRT";
	return @G;

-----Original Message-----
From: Tobias Oetiker [mailto:tobi at oetiker.ch] 
Sent: quarta-feira, 21 de Janeiro de 2009 16:01
To: Rui Meireles
Cc: smokeping-users at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: RE: [smokeping-users] Standard Deviation in Smokeping

Today Rui Meireles wrote:

> Tobi,
> Thanks a lot for the quick answer.
> I hadn't notice the difference between SD in Overview graphs and SD in
> Detail Graphs. Now I get it!
> What I need is exactly the value "av sd" that is being shown in the
> graphs. If you could help me with the rrdtool command that I should use to
> fetch that value, I would be most grateful, since I've already been
> "digging" smokeping.cgi but haven't found how to do it yet.

the heart of the operation is this function here:

sub calc_stddev {
    my $rrd = shift;
    my $id = shift;
    my $pings = shift;
    my @G = map
},UN,0,pin${id}p${_},IF")} 1..$pings;
    push @G, "CDEF:pings${id}="."$pings,p${id}p1,UN,".join(",",map
{"p${id}p$_,UN,+"} 2..$pings).",-";
    push @G, "CDEF:m${id}="."p${id}p1,".join(",",map {"p${id}p$_,+"}
    push @G, "CDEF:sdev${id}=p${id}p1,m${id},-,DUP,*,".join(",",map
{"p${id}p$_,m${id},-,DUP,*,+"} 2..$pings).",pings${id},/,SQRT";
    return @G;

> Congratulations on this (and many other) projects, they sure are priceless
> tools!

well if you want to encurrage future development of the tools, you are
welcome to become a sponsor:

there are awfully few sponsors for the smokeping project



Tobi Oetiker, OETIKER+PARTNER AG, Aarweg 15 CH-4600 Olten, Switzerland
http://it.oetiker.ch tobi at oetiker.ch ++41 62 775 9902 / sb: -9900

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