[smokeping-users] Could not save png to /var/cache/smokeping/Ping/sitei_mini.png

Greg Stucky gstucky at surfbest.net
Wed Nov 9 21:01:25 CET 2011


Thanks for the reply.   I have it working now.

There were two separate issues.

The first one was that SELinux was not allowing PERL to access the image 
folder.  Changing the Current Enforcing Mode to Permissive resolved that 
issue.  If anyone knows how to enable this while still keeping it in 
Enforcing mode I am interested in changing it.

The second issue is that when Smokeping installed (i used 
System->Administration->Add/Remove Software) it installed with different 
settings in /etc/smokeping/config and /etc/httpd/conf.d/smokeping.conf.  
Below are the final settings I used in each file.

imgcache = /var/cache/smokeping/
imgurl = /smokeping

alias /smokeping /var/cache/smokeping
<Directory "/var/cache/smokeping" >
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Options None
    Allow from

<Directory "/var/www/html/smokeping" >
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    AddHandler cgi-script cgi
    Allow from

Thanks for the reply.


n 10/30/2011 7:12 PM, Gregory Sloop wrote:
> This is from my notes on FC15 - but I think it will apply.
> IIRC there was some problems similar to yours, and here's my notes
> from the final few steps.
> ---
> Setup alias in apache
> Alias /smokeping "/usr/share/smokeping"
> <Directory "/usr/share/smokeping">
>      DirectoryIndex index.php index.cgi
>      Options -Indexes ExecCGI
>      AllowOverride all
> </Directory>
> copy the smokeping.cgi to /var/www/cgi-bin
> Add a directory for /var/lib/smokeping to httpd.conf
> <Directory "/var/lib/smokeping">
>      Options -Indexes ExecCGI
>      AllowOverride all
>      Allow from all
> </Directory>
> ---
> HTH - if it does, will you either let me know, or post about it to the
> SP list - that way it's saved for others looking for the same fix.
> -Greg
> GS>  I recently tried to install smokeping on Fedora 14.  I installed it from
> the System->>Administration->Add/Remove Software.   I can start smokeping
> GS>  with no errors.  However when I try to browse to
> GS>  http://localhost/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi I get the following error message.
> GS>  ERROR: Could not save png to '/var/cache/smokeping/Ping/site1_mini.png
> GS>  I tried starting at Ping and giving everyone read/write permissions on
> GS>  the file but it didn't make any difference.  I then worked my way back
> GS>  to var giving everyone read/write permissions on each folder but I still
> GS>  can not view the output.
> GS>  Has anyone had a similar issue?
> GS>  _______________________________________________
> GS>  smokeping-users mailing list
> GS>  smokeping-users at lists.oetiker.ch
> GS>  https://lists.oetiker.ch/cgi-bin/listinfo/smokeping-users

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