[smokeping-users] Smokeping FCGI Issue?

Jason Yates Jason.Yates at betfair.com
Fri Jul 20 15:39:36 CEST 2012


I'm noticing an issue with the latest version of Smokeping & FCGI in that it appears to spawn new processes without killing old ones correctly and I'm wondering if anybody else sees the same. Over a period of a week or two this slowly fills up the memory on my server until either the box crashes or I manage to kill the processes.

Over the course of the last 10 days I ended up with 200+ of the following processes which I'm assuming is attributed to FCGI as if I hit the GUI a few times it will spawn another one.

apache    1088     1  0 03:19 ?        00:00:03 /usr/bin/perl /opt/smokeping/bin/smokeping_cgi /opt/smokeping/etc/config
apache    2794     1  0 11:47 ?        00:00:02 /usr/bin/perl /opt/smokeping/bin/smokeping_cgi /opt/smokeping/etc/config
apache    7109     1  0 12:40 ?        00:00:03 /usr/bin/perl /opt/smokeping/bin/smokeping_cgi /opt/smokeping/etc/config
apache    7607     1  0 06:32 ?        00:00:04 /usr/bin/perl /opt/smokeping/bin/smokeping_cgi /opt/smokeping/etc/config

For now I have a script that runs periodically and kills any old processes but I haven't done anything special with smokeping or FCGI & I'm using the .fcgi that comes bundled with smokeping - is there something I've missed or is this a bug?

Also along the same lines - I find that I have to restart apache after updating the config file in order to see the changes reflected in the GUI.

Thanks in advance.

Jason Yates

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