[smokeping-users] Master-slave

Ufuk Kahraman ufuk.kahraman at dsmart.com.tr
Fri Jun 27 23:23:33 CEST 2014

I'm beginner on the smokeping , I am trying to run  master - slave scenario  but slave not pushing chart to master.
My configs are;

Master  configurations;

/smokeping# cat /etc/default/smokeping
# /etc/default/smokeping: Startup configuration for smokeping(1)
# select master or slave mode
# in master mode, the rest of the configuration is in
# /etc/smokeping/config
# in slave mode, uncomment and set the following variables too
# see smokeping(1)
# Mandatory configuration
# MASTER_URL=http://somewhere/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi
# SHARED_SECRET=/etc/smokeping/slavesecrets.conf
# Optional configuration
# SLAVE_NAME=myslave

*** Probes ***

+ FPing

binary = /usr/bin/fping


*** Slaves ***



*** Targets ***

probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Merhaba D-Smart SmokePing websitesine Hosgeldiniz.\


menu = D-Smart dns
title = D-smart dns
host = Host ip
slaves = Smokeping-Slave1
#alerts = someloss


menu = Slave test
title = Slave test grafik
host = Host ip
slaves = Smokeping-Slave1
#alerts = someloss


root# cat  slave-secrets

root # cat slavesecrets.conf



**** files permision *****

smokeping# ls -l
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root       191 Jan 28 22:36 apache2.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      2031 Jan 28 22:36 basepage.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root       290 Jan 28 22:36 config
drwxr-xr-x 2 root      root      4096 Jun 27 13:29 config.d
-rwxrwx--- 1 smokeping www-data    29 Jun 27 13:07 slave-secrets
-r-------- 1 smokeping www-data    11 Jun 27 13:08 slavesecrets.conf
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      1564 Jan 28 22:36 smokemail
-rw-r----- 1 smokeping smokeping   71 Jun 26 17:28 smokeping_secrets
-rw-r--r-- 1 root      root      3815 Jan 28 22:36 tmail

Slave configurations;

root at Smokeping-Slave1:/usr/sbin# cat /etc/default/smokeping
# /etc/default/smokeping: Startup configuration for smokeping(1)
# select master or slave mode
# in master mode, the rest of the configuration is in
# /etc/smokeping/config
# in slave mode, uncomment and set the following variables too
# see smokeping(1)
# Mandatory configuration
# Optional configuration


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