[smokeping-users] Writing display_name alias to RRD file instead of hostname

Jesper Frank Nemholt jfn at dassic.com
Wed May 9 19:30:24 CEST 2018


Is there a way to get smokeping to write the display_name alias for a slave
to the RRD files instead of the hostname as the name displayed in the RRD
graph ?
The default as far as I can see is to write the hostname and then the web
interface will translate this into the display_name on the fly when serving
out the images.

Reason for asking is that I use the LibreNMS integration, and LibreNMS is
happily unaware of the display_name alias in the smokeping config file and
will thus read the name defined in the RRD file, and I'd like it to use the
display_alias instead for something more user friendly.

Alternatively would be to rewrite the LibreNMS scripts to look into the
smokeping config file...which I'd rather not do if I can avoid it.


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