[mrtg-developers] Re: [mrtg-announce] ANNOUNCE mrtg-2.9.8

GOMEZ Henri hgomez at slib.fr
Mon Feb 19 09:43:13 MET 2001

RPM is also available at :


>MRTG 2.9.8 is released ... as usual you can get the latest and
>greatest version from
>There are again Many chnages for this release ... please find the
>list below.
> ______    __   _
>/_  __/_  / /  (_) Oetiker, Timelord & SysMgr @ EE-Dept ETH-Zurich
> / // _ \/ _ \/ / TEL: +41(0)1-6325286  FAX:...1517  ICQ: 10419518
>/_/ \.__/_.__/_/ oetiker at ee.ethz.ch http://ee-staff.ethz.ch/~oetiker
>Changes 2.9.8
>From: Tobi
> * indexmaker does now also honor ImageDir and problems in
>   connection with the directory option. The result should be fewer
>   broken links in index files.
> * better documentation on how to suppress images in indexmaker
> * remove potential newlines and padding from snmp response
> * added new global config: SingleRequest to force single variable
>   snmp requests.
> * switch group before user if --group is used when starting mrtg
> * added special legends for perminute and perhour
> * new option for indexmaker --pagetop
> * if threshdir is defined, run thresholdprog* only when a boudery
>   has been crossed.
> * better documentation of threshold programming
> * only run threshprogs if there are threshold bounderies defined
> * make threshold checking work better ... only run the threshold
>   programs when a threshold boundery has been crossed ...
> * threshold stuff should be realy working now
>From: Fernando Braghetto - Webmaster Hiway <webmaster at hiway.com.br>
> * total control modem config
>From: Sune Kirkeby <sune at silvertag.com>
> * configurable lockfile locations
>From: Tim Cimarusti <tim at cimware.com>
> * update for ciscoindex contrib
>From: Michael Bussmann <bus at fgan.de>
> * update mrtgindx.cgi to work with .png files
>From: Steven Shipway <Steven_Shipway at adsweu.com>
> * Steven has a MRTG&RRDTOOL website now. Replaced references and
>   with links to http://www.cheshire.demon.co.uk/pub/
>From: Gianmarco Armellin <gianmarco at armellin.com>
> * index.html?.meta code was not working
>From: Us <us at sweet-sorrow.com>
> * slovenian translation
>From: Andres Kroonmaa <andre at online.ee>
> * add commandline to generated output of indexmaker as a commet
>From: Andrew Ivanov <ivanov at rbc.ru>
> * snmpoptions were disregadrded in the table population area of
>   the script
>From: Simon Lyall <simon.lyall at ihug.co.nz>
> * more tolerant matching for Description in indexmaker
>From: Anthony Fabian <anthony.fabian at comindico.com.au>
> * fixed threshold feature: threshprog was not getting the right
>   parameters when called
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