[mrtg] Re: Unix CPU stats

Mike Starkweather mstark at primary.net
Mon Aug 2 10:32:43 MEST 1999


When you specify the OID in the target you need to put in two.  MRTG just wants it that way.  Also, you need to put a .0 at the end to specify the instance.  So your target should look something like this.

Target[user]: at tweety 

Mike Starkweather
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Krawczyk, Jeff <Jeff.Krawczyk at weamfg.com>
    To: MRTG (E-mail) <mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch>
    Date: Friday, July 30, 1999 9:20 AM
    Subject: [mrtg] Unix CPU stats
    Hello all; 

            I'm trying to utilize MRTG 2.7.4b to read the following MIB to graph CPU utilization for my DG/UX server. Here is the Object path:

    computerSystemSysCPU      Counter         read-only 

            Here is my cfg file 

    WorkDir: D:\mrtg_workdir\Tweety 

    # Description: DG/UX - EMANATE SNMP Agent 
    #     Contact: 
    # System Name: tweety 
    #    Location: 

    # Tweety Legacy UFOS Systems CPU statistics 

    Target[user]: at tweety 
    MaxBytes[user]: 100 
    Title[user]: Tweety CPU User Percentage 
    PageTop[user]: <H1>Tweety CPU User Percentage 
    Unscaled[user]: ymwd 
    ShortLegend[user]: % 
    XSize[user]: 380 
    YSize[user]: 100 
    YLegend[user]: CPU User Utilization 
    Legend1[user]: CPU Utilization in % (load) 
    Legend2[user]: CPU Utilization in % (load) 
    LegendO[user]: &nbsp;Usage 
    Options[user]: gauge, growright 

            Here is the error I get when I run this. 

    C:\WINNT>c:\perl\bin\perl c:\mrtg-2.7.4b\run\mrtg c:\mrtg-2.7.4b\run\mrtgtwee.cf 
    SNMP Error: 
    Received SNMP response with error code 
      error status: noSuchName 
      index 1 (OID: 
    SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "tweety" [].161 
                      community: "public" 
                     request ID: 1663205201 
                    PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes 
                        timeout: 2s 
                        retries: 5 
                        backoff: 1) 
    SNMPGET Problem for ipAdEntIfIndex. on public at tweety 
    SNMP Error: 
    Received SNMP response with error code 
      error status: noSuchName 
      index 1 (OID: 
    SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "tweety" [].161 
                      community: "public" 
                     request ID: 1663205202 
                    PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes 
                        timeout: 2s 
                        retries: 5 
                        backoff: 1) 
    SNMPGET Problem for ifInOctets. ifOutOctets. sysUptime sysName on public at tweety 
    SNMPGET: Failed to reach target: " at tweety". I tr 
    ied multiple times! 


    Any Idea how to fix this??? 

    Thanks in advance for your help. 


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