[mrtg] Re: Feature Request

Tim Kennedy sugarat at thunderhold.sugarat.net
Mon Jul 19 04:25:27 MEST 1999

Well, you could hack MRTG a bit to do somethin glike this.
You could make the main mrtg script execution reliant on
a couple of things.

operstatus and adminstatus.   if the line is down, then 
inOctets and OutOctets = 0.

or reachability.  if there's no response after the set 
number of retries and timeouts, then *Octets = 0, and 
you could specify a color scheme there for machine down.

It could be done, but it's gonna be a "do-it-yourself"


my $.02,


On Sun, 18 Jul 1999, Jeff Liebermann wrote:

> > An alternate feature request:  What if the graph line(s) changed color?
> As far as I can tell, the BD graphing library only allows one
> colour per line.  (I may be wrong about this).
> > Another alternate feature request: What if the graph changed color when
> > the interface status changed?  Example: router1 is still responding to
> > SNMP, but serial0/0 changes status to down. 
> Same problem as above.  The line would need to change colour
> in midstream.
> This also doesn't solve my specific problem.  Having the line
> change colour when it changes state is not very convincing to
> the telcos if the line still shows that there is traffic flowing
> when there is none.  Faxing the graph to the telco also removes
> the colour change and I'm back to my original problem.
> Even one of the authors of MRTG was victimized by this problem.
> When AboveNet lost several routers for a few hours earlier this
> year due to a failed Cisco IOS upgrade, the graphs at:
> 	http://www.above.net/traffic/
> still showed a horizontal line.  The only clue that the routers
> were comatose was that line was absolutely horizontal.
> Keep it simple.  Zero traffic and zero data should graph as a zero,
> not the last value.

Timothy Kennedy
sugarat.net, Network Management Resources

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