[mrtg] multiple switches

Pat Nolan pnolan at dataware.com
Mon Jul 19 19:58:18 MEST 1999

I have been successfully using MRTG for about 6 months now.  It works great!  What I have been doing is monitoring my snmp traffic on my switch.  I just added another switch to my network.  It is daisy chained off of my original existing switch.  I am able to ping and telnet to it's IP address.  If I run cfgmaker the new switch is detected.  I can see the IP & channel numbers scrolling by.  But the mrtg.cfg file is never created.  I tried removing the old mrtg.cfg file thinking that it would not create it if it already saw one there.  But that did not help either.  What I thought I would do is to create the new mrtg.cfg file then read in a copy of the old file.  That way I would be able to monitor all of my channels.  Is that the correct way to do that?  
Thanks for any help.
Pat Nolan
Operations Analyst
Dataware Technologies
pnolan at dataware.com
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