[mrtg] using IP addresses in Target

Tim Kennedy sugarat at thunderhold.sugarat.net
Wed Nov 24 16:21:16 MET 1999

Hi folks,

Recently I tried adding the IP addresses of my interfaces to the
Target line of the cfg file.  After reading the documentation, I made a
target line that looks like:

Target[router.domain.com.fe0_1_0] 2/ at router.domain.com

My problem seems to be that mrtg is not properly parsing the Target line.
Here is the output from when I turn debug on.

TARGSTART: '2/ at router.domain.com'
TARGNEW:   '$$target{'2/ at router.domain.com'}{$mode}'
TARGMATCH: '2/ at router.domain.com'
 oid1:  oid2:
Requesting: oid: ipAdEntIfIndex.2207.172.0.5
SNMP Error:
Received SNMP response with error code
  error status: noSuchName
  index 1 (OID:
SNMPv1_Session (remote host: "router.domain.com" [].161
                  community: "public"
                 request ID: 964142294
                PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes
                    timeout: 2s
                    retries: 5
                    backoff: 1)
SNMPGET Problem for ipAdEntIfIndex.2207.172.0.5 on
public at router.domain.com
Response: oid: ipAdEntIfIndex.
Result oid1: ifInOctets. oid2: ifOutOctets.

I appears to be appending the ipaddress to the ifIndex and ignoring the
"/" that is supposed to separate them.

On the interfaces on my box that are ip unnumbered, mrtg performs as
usual, but the Target line also does not have an IP address.

Target[router.domain.com.t3_6_0_0] 11:public at router.domain.com

TARGSTART: '11:public at router.domain.com'
TARGNEW:   '$$target{'11:public at router.domain.com'}{$mode}'
TARGMATCH: '11:public at router.domain.com'
 oid1: ifInOctets.11 oid2: ifOutOctets.11
Result oid1: ifInOctets.11 oid2: ifOutOctets.11

The version of mrtg is 2.8.9.  IS there a patch for mrtg for it to handle
the IP addresses.  I didn't see anything special mentioned in the
config.txt document regarding the USE of IP's other than they were
seperated by a "/" from the rest of the Target.

Anybody have any ideas?

TIA, and have a Happy Thanksgiving to the Americans.
Have a Happy Thursday to the non-Americans. 


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