[mrtg] Size/scale of graphs

Steven Fletcher flec at flec.co.uk
Fri Sep 17 16:46:17 MEST 1999

Hi all.

I've been asked to modify the size for some of our graphs, as each night
several of our machines that only do say 200-300Kbps on average per day
backup over the network @ 100Mbits and we loose the "scale" of the days
stats that get overwhelmed on the graphs by a big green blob on them at
3AM in the morning and what amounts to the tiniest of unreadable
rtickles for the rest of the day :-)

Is there a way that I can tell MRTG/GD to "max out" the graph at X
bits/s on a per-port basis? MaxBytes dosen't seem to work as I at first
thought it would. 

Thanks for any help, (and could anyone who replies please to so directly
to myself as well as the list as I am not subscribed!)

Steven Fletcher - steven at shellnet.co.uk / flec at flec.co.uk
       Shellnet - http://www.shellnet.com

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