[mrtg] Re: 100% CPU Utilization on an NT Server

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at slot.hollandcasino.nl
Thu Sep 23 01:34:46 MEST 1999

> I have the following settings in my mrtg.cfg file :  Target[uszhosna02_CPU]:
> . at
This is becoming a FAQ.

The first time you monitor the OID, you get the correct value. This task
is using the cpu and therefore it is returning 100% while querying it for
the second time.

It seems that the "interval" (if any) is set rather short. NT seems to
provide the current cpu utilization, not the average over 5 minutes.

Please take into consideration that I do not know NT in depth as I try
to avoid it as much as I can (and oh boy, I'm getting good at it).
Perhaps a real NT guru can provide other OIDs that *do* return averages.

The solution to your problem is to skip the second line and its legend.
Look in the documentation (config.txt) for how to do this.
Search for "LegendO" and for "Colourx".


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