[mrtg] Re: ATM

David Gutiérrez Rueda david at di.uc3m.es
Wed Feb 9 17:03:14 MET 2000

I dont know any free MIB browser, but maybe this could help you.
On a FORE ASX 200 I'm using the next target:

- IfInCells&IfOutCells:community at foreswitch * 53 # bytes
  I calculate the port number with:
 '8*(ModuleNumber-1)+PortNumber-1'. For example:
 · 1A1 - 1A4 :  0 -  3 (four ATM ports module)
        · 1B1 - 1B4 :  8 - 11, and so on...
  I suppose this should work on a ASX1000.

  For example:
            at sx * 53
       MaxBytes[sx.8]: 20316160
       Options[sx.8]: growright, bits
       Title[sx.8]: sx : Port 1B1

On a ES-3810 you can use the standard MIB. On this switch, the
interfaces are sequentially numbered. For example:

 Target[es-3810.7]: 7:public at es-3810
 MaxBytes[es-3810.7]: 1250000
 Options[es-3810.7]: growright, bits
 Title[es-3810.7]: ES-3810 : B7


>I am having a difficult time finding a good way to determine OID's for my
>  Fore Systems ATM equipment  (ASX 1000's and 3810's). Does anyone have
>  suggestions on a good MIB viewer that will allow me to determine the OID's
>  for the values I am querying with Perl?
>  I have tried to modify the MRTG "cfgmaker" file to use the a Fore Systems
>  OID I found in an SNMP book - but no luck yet.
>  Bieng a newbie to SNMP, Perl, and MRTG I was ecstatic that I was able to get
>  everything to compile and run on my Solaris 2.6 box.  Now I am stumped.  Any
>  hints will be greatly appreciated.
>  Thanks,
>  Chris

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