[mrtg] Re: While compiling

mrtg at umar.bn3.com mrtg at umar.bn3.com
Wed Jan 19 23:12:15 MET 2000

    # make install
   make: Fatal error: Don't know how to make target `install`

and then I check ~/run I found new file rateup*
but when I issue this command I got the error message

    #./martg mrtg.cfg
ld.so.1: .//rateup: fatal: libpng.so.2: open failed: No such file or 

PROBLEM: rateup died from Signal 9
 with Exit Value 0 when doing router 'bn'
 code was 9, retcode was . If this happens all the time,
 you should probably investigate the cause. :-)


So I think the errors below I quote again are the Key problem

  src/rateup.c: In function `diff':
  src/rateup.c:732: warning: subscript has type `char'
  src/rateup.c:734: warning: subscript has type `char'
  src/rateup.c:762: warning: subscript has type `char'


--- "Jason Frisvold <Jason.Frisvold at corp.ptd.net>" wrote --
> It appears to me that it did compile..  try make install and see if it
> installs it.  I don't see anything other than warning messages (which are
> not necessarily bad)
> | -----Original Message-----
> | From: mrtg at umar.bn3.com [mailto:mrtg at umar.bn3.com]
> | Sent: Saturday, January 15, 2000 1:24 PM
> | To: mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
> | Subject: [mrtg] While compiling
> |
> |
> | Please Help me
> | I am trying to compile mrtg 2.8.9 , I got the following errors.
> | I install all necesary liberaries and but still unsuccessfull in
> | compilation.
> |
> |
> |  engin:/software/mrtg/mrtg-2.8.9{34}#make
> |
> |  LD_RUN_PATH= gcc -g -O2 -DGFORM_GD=gdImagePng -Wall -pedantic
> | src/rateup.c -lgd -lm -lpng -lz -o run/rateup
> |
> |  src/rateup.c: In function `diff':
> |
> |  src/rateup.c:732: warning: subscript has type `char'
> |
> |  src/rateup.c:734: warning: subscript has type `char'
> |
> |  src/rateup.c:762: warning: subscript has type `char'
> |
> |  /usr/local/bin/perl -0777 -pi -e 's@^#!s*/
> | S*perl@#! /usr/local/bin/perl@' run/cfgmaker run/cfgmaker_ip
> | run/indexmaker run/mrtg
> |
> |  /usr/local/bin/perl -0777 -pi -e 's@(day|week|month|year|peri.).
> |
> |  (png|gif)@$1.png at g' run/mrtg run/indexmaker
> |
> | engin:/software/mrtg/mrtg-2.8.9{35}#
> |
> |
> |  I am not a good programmer of C language.
> |  kindly guide me to handle it.
> |
> | Regards
> | Umar
> |
> |
> |
> | Powered by http://www.bn3.com, hosting yourname at yoursite.com, FREE!
> |
> | --
> | Unsubscribe mailto:mrtg-request at list.ee.ethz.ch?subject=unsubscribe
> | Help        mailto:mrtg-request at list.ee.ethz.ch?subject=help
> | Archive     http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/mrtg
> |

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