[mrtg] Re: Math for temperature monitoring...Marconi (Fore) ASX-1000 ATM switches

Barron Hulver barron at po.cwru.edu
Wed Jul 12 15:56:36 MEST 2000

> -----Original Message-----
> From: mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounce at list.ee.ethz.ch]On
> Behalf Of Isaac Grover
> Sent: Tuesday, July 11, 2000 7:55 PM
> To: mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
> Subject: [mrtg] Math for temperature monitoring
> Hello everyone,
> I would like to monitor our Xylan equipment's temperature via mrtg
> and have found the following four OIDs that may be of some use to
> me:
> (chasEnvrmnt1TempRange1.0)
> (chasEnvrmnt1TempRange2.0)
> (chasEnvrmnt2TempRange1.0)
> (chasEnvrmnt2TempRange2.0)
> The first two OIDs consistently report an integer value of 4, and
> the last two report an integer value of 2.  Xylan's tech guys don't
> know much about SNMP, just how to fix broken topologies.
> Could anyone help me out with the math to make sense of these
> numbers for an actual human?
> --
> Isaac Grover - isaac at coe.engr.sjsu.edu
> SJSU College of Engineering, ECS / Networking
> ENG 237, (408) 924-4074
> --
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Here is how we track the temperature of several Marconi (Fore) ASX-1000
switches.  I'm sure there are other ways to do this as well.  You should be
able to do the math calculation right on the Target line instead of invoking
an external script.


$ crontab -l | grep  mrtgtemperatures
9,39 * * * * <mrtg program>  <directory>/mrtg.cfg

$more  mrtg.cfg
WorkDir: <directory>
Refresh: 600
Interval: 30

Options[_]: absolute, gauge, growright, nopercent

Title[bingham]: Bingham Temperature
PageTop[bingham]: <h2> Bingham Chassis Temperature </h2>
        Above 43C or 109F is <b> Overheating! </b> <br> <br>
        Celsius to Farenheit conversion:
        (9/5) * C + 32 = F
Target[bingham]: `<directory>/bingham.sh`
MaxBytes[bingham]: 212
YLegend[bingham]:  Degrees Celsius (F=(9/5)C+32)
ShortLegend[bingham]: degrees
LegendI[bingham]: &nbsp;Celsius
LegendO[bingham]: &nbsp;Farenheit
Legend1[bingham]: Degrees Celsius
Legend2[bingham]: Degrees Farenheit

$ cat  bingham.sh

cd <to the directory>

echo `/usr/local/bin/snmpget -q <ip> <ro name>
.`  #direct input for Celsius temperature
echo "9*`/usr/local/bin/snmpget -q <ip> <ro name>
.`/5 +32" | /bin/bc  #calculated Farenheit
echo #blank line for uptime field
echo #blank line for description field

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