[mrtg] config file options

Derek Diget diget+mrtg at unix.cc.wmich.edu
Thu Jun 7 01:23:02 MEST 2001

After doing some code searching and rateup debugging I have come to
the conclusion that the following options are exclusive and can not be

absolute (a), gauge (g), perhour (h), perminute (m)

Am I correct?

(If so, can the config file docs be updated to reflect this?)

The reason that I am asking this is because I have an external program
returning an absolute value that when averaged out over the ~300
seconds between reads becomes a fractional number.  (Typcial returned
numbers are below 100.)  I wanted to use the "perminute" option along
with the "absolute" option, but I doesn't seem to fly.  Does anybody
have any  suggestions on how I can get some good numbers to rateup?

Example: I am getting 15 units over the 5 minute interval.  When using
"absolute" 15/300 = .05 units/second which gets logged as 0.  Not
going to work. :(  OK, I will _add_ the "perminute" to multiply the
result by 60.  15*60)/300 = 3 units/minute  OK, this will work.
Well, I doesn't seem to work.  Any suggestions?


Derek Diget
Western Michigan University - Kalamazoo  Michigan  USA - www.wmich.edu/
Office of Information Technology -  UNIX support  - www.wmich.edu/unix/

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