[mrtg] Re: Monitoring 2000 SMP from Linux

Wed Aug 28 07:44:07 MEST 2002


I used this site from the MRTG pages


It provided me with MIBs I coulduse wihout adding third party software and
it works well. Look for MIBs that use standard snmp and not perfmon unless
you wantto use that.


Gund Wehsling
Senior Technical Analyst
Bell Equipment Company
Richards Bay, South Africa

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gundw at bell.co.za

                      <brahma at mendolink        To:       <mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch>                                                        
                      .com>                    cc:                                                                                     
                      Sent by:                 Subject:  [mrtg] Monitoring 2000 SMP from Linux                                         
                      mrtg-bounce at list.                                                                                                
                      2002/08/27 08:07                                                                                                 

I have MTRG setup on my linux box.  I want to monitor the dual CPU's on one
of my 2000 boxes.  Only things I could turn up off the MRTG site and google
were monitoring the 2000 box from its self.  Can someone point me to a site
to do this from Linux or explain how this might be accomplished.  Also if
anyone might know general MIB's for the CPU under 2000 as well.

Thank You,

Chris D.
Network Security
Mendo Link, LLC

"An Ounce Of Prevention Is Worth  A Pound Of Cure."
Om Namo Narayanaya

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