[mrtg] Re: IOS ver support ifindexes Etherenet 802.1q

HÃ¥kan Lindholm hakan at spray.se
Fri Sep 13 00:06:07 MEST 2002

On Thu, 12 Sep 2002, Felipe Ramirez Cruz wrote:

> Somebody knows that IOS versions (Cisco 2600) allow to obtain ifindex of  
> the subinterfaces 802.1q by means of MRTG
> You know the OID to make this request? 

I don't know for sure but can't see any reason why it would not be the
same OID's as for any other interface.

> I have not been able to find information related in the pagina of 
> Cisco....

There is alot. I use www.cisco.com/go/fn - Feature Navigator.

Feature "SNMP Support for vLAN (ISL, DOT1Q) Subinterfaces (SNMP 
support for IfTable for vLAN (ISL, DOT1Q) subinterfaces)" requires

> I have MRTG 2.9.17
> the version of IOS of the 2600 real is 12.1(5)T10 

I think you need at least 12.2(8)T. I would choose the latest 12.2
(non-T). If you would use ISL instead of dot1q, 12.1(3)T would be enough
(12.1(5)T10 just fine).

You may read my posting on the same issue at
The answer I got was not what I expected and did not help me that much, 
but maybe others.

/H - at Lycos Europe

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