[mrtg] cfgmaker --no-down (with Nortel Passport 8000)

RUBY Daniel Daniel.Ruby at it-austria.com
Fri Jul 18 08:40:50 MEST 2003

I have the problem that cfgmaker uncomments all interfaces which are
operatively down (although --no-down is set).
--> * has a speed of 0 which makes no sense !!!

### Interface 68 >> Descr: '1000Gbic Port 1/5' | Name: 'Slot 1, Port 5' |
Ip: '' | Eth: '00-03-4b-44-ac-20' ###
### The following interface is commented out because:
### * has a speed of 0 which makes no sense
# Target[,_Port_5]: #Slot\ 1,\ Port\ 5:dKwuB at
# SetEnv[,_Port_5]: MRTG_INT_IP="" MRTG_INT_DESCR="1000Gbic
Port 1/5"
# Directory[,_Port_5]:
# MaxBytes[,_Port_5]: 0
# Title[,_Port_5]: #Slot 1, Port 5 -- HDL-TZ-SWSRVBB1
# PageTop[,_Port_5]: <H1>#Slot 1, Port 5 --
#  <TABLE>
#    <TR><TD>System:</TD>     <TD>HDL-TZ-SWSRVBB1 in TZ, 1.OG,
#    <TR><TD>Maintainer:</TD> <TD>lhsn at it-austria.com</TD></TR>
#    <TR><TD>Description:</TD><TD>1000Gbic Port 1/5  </TD></TR>
#    <TR><TD>ifType:</TD>     <TD>ethernetCsmacd (6)</TD></TR>
#    <TR><TD>ifName:</TD>     <TD>Slot 1, Port 5</TD></TR>
#    <TR><TD>Max Speed:</TD>  <TD>0.0 Bytes/s</TD></TR>
#  </TABLE>

I read that in the case of Cisco Routers cfgmaker relies on the "Bandwidth"
of an Interface for further information gathering.
--> Bandwidth must not have a Null-value

but how is it going with Nortel Passport Switches.
I want mrtg to include ALL administratively up Interfaces in its's
Config-File. But I'm not able telling him to do so :-)  
maybe somebody knows the reason for my problem or may give me advice or some

my cfgmaker-parameters:

cfgmaker --community=<string> --subdirs=HOSTNAME
--if-filter='$default_iftype && $if_is_ethernet && $if_admin' --show-op-down
--no-down --ifref=name --ifdes=name --global 'workdir:
/usr/local/src/mrtg-2/output/mrtg/' --output
/snmp/MRTG/cfg/hdl-server-new.cfg xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

br, daniel

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / yours sincerely

Daniel Ruby

LHSN-LAN Handelsnetze und Spezialnetze
A-1020 Wien, Lasallestraße 5
Telefon: +43-1-217 17- 59508
Telefax: +43-1-217 17- 8959508
mailto:daniel.ruby at it-austria.com

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