[mrtg] Re: cpu

Koelstra, J. (Jan) JKoelstra at MINSZW.NL
Mon Oct 27 09:53:23 MET 2003

Make sure you do not have any space's in front of the lines....
	-----Original Message-----
	From: mrtg user [mailto:mrtguser at yahoo.com] 
	Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 9:45 AM
	To: Koelstra, J. (Jan)
	Cc: mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
	Subject: Re: [mrtg] Re: cpu
	dear koelstra,
	i have made the change, as u said....i have made the sngle
space, but it does nt work
	 Target[cpu.1]: at xx.xx.xx.xx
	 RouterUptime[cpu.1]: public at xx.xx.xx.xx
	 MaxBytes[cpu.1]: 100
	 Title[cpu.1]: CPU LOAD
	 PageTop[cpu.1]: <H1>CPU Load %</H1>
	 Unscaled[cpu.1]: ymwd
	 ShortLegend[cpu.1]: %
	 XSize[cpu.1]: 380
	 YSize[cpu.1]: 100
	 YLegend[cpu.1]: CPU Utilization
	 Legend1[cpu.1]: CPU Utilization in % (Load)
	 Legend2[cpu.1]: CPU Utilization in % (Load)
	 LegendO[cpu.1]: &nbsp;Usage
	 Options[cpu.1]: gauge
	workdir: c:\nms-mrtg\mrtg-output\cpu\
	C:\NMS-RRD\mrtg-2.9.7\bin>perl mrtg-cpu.cfg
	Can't use subscript on constant item at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 1,
near "1]"
	syntax error at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 1, near "]:"
	Array found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 1, at
end of line
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 2,
near "RouterUptim
	        (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
	Array found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 2, at
end of line
	        (Missing operator before ?)
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 3,
near "MaxBytes"
	        (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 4,
near "Title"
	        (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 5,
near "<H1>CPU"
	        (Missing operator before CPU?)
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 9,
near "YSize"
	        (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 10,
near "YLegend"
	        (Missing semicolon on previous line?)
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 12,
near ")
	        (Missing operator before Legend2?)
	Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 13,
near ")
	        (Missing operator before Legend3?)
	syntax error at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 17, near "]:"
	Backslash found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 19,
near "mrtg\"
	Backslash found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 19,
near "output\"
	Backslash found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 19,
near "cpu\"
	Execution of mrtg-cpu.cfg aborted due to compilation errors.
	Mrtg user

	"Koelstra, J. (Jan)" <JKoelstra at MINSZW.NL> wrote:

		You only needed one extra space, not 4...
		I'll bet if you use the next line the graphs will appear
		Target[cpu.2]: at
		-----Original Message-----
		From: mrtg user [mailto:mrtguser at yahoo.com] 
		Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 7:32 AM
		To: Walid Khalil
		Cc: mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch
		Subject: [mrtg] Re: cpu
		dear walid,
		it doesnt work either,like as u said to insert space,i m
sending you the
		cfg as well as the errors .
		# Router CPU load %
		Target[ cpu.2 ] : at
		RouterUptime[cpu.2]: iti2600 at
		MaxBytes[cpu.2]: 100
		Title[cpu.2]: CPU LOAD

		CPU Load %

		Unscaled[cpu.2]: ymwd
		ShortLegend[cpu.2]: %
		XSize[cpu.2]: 380
		YSize[cpu.2]: 100
		YLegend[cpu.2]: CPU Utilization
		Legend1[cpu.2]: CPU Utilization in % (Load)
		Legend2[cpu.2]: CPU Utilization in % (Load)
		LegendO[cpu.2]:  Usage
		Options[cpu.2]: gauge,growright
		workdir: c:\nms-mrtg\mrtg-output\cpu\
		errors are:
		C:\NMS-RRD\mrtg-2.9.7\bin>perl mrtg-cpu.cfg
		Can't use subscript on constant item at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 2, near "2 ]"
		syntax error at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 2, near "] :" Array
found where
		operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 2, at end of line
Bareword found
		where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 3, near
"RouterUptim e"
		(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
		Array found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg line
3, at end of
		(Missing operator before ?)
		Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 4, near
		(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
		Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 5, near
		(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
		Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 6, near

		(Missing operator before CPU?)
		Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 10, near
		(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
		Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 11, near
		(Missing semicolon on previous line?)
		Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 13, near ")
		(Missing operator before Legend2?)
		Bareword found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 14, near ")
		(Missing operator before Legend3?)
		syntax error at mrtg-cpu.cfg line 18, near "]:"
		Backslash found where operator expected at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 20, near
		"mrtg\" Backslash found where operator expected at
mrtg-cpu.cfg line 20,
		near "output\" Backslash found where operator expected
at mrtg-cpu.cfg
		line 20, near "cpu\" Execution of mrtg-cpu.cfg aborted
due to
		compilation errors.
		in trouble
		mrtg user..
		Walid Khalil wrote:
		Use a space between ]: and 1.3.6...
		-----Original Message----- 
		From: mrtg user [mailto:mrtguser at yahoo.com] 
		Sent: Sat 10/25/2003 7:30 AM 
		To: Alex van den Bogaerdt; mrtg at list.ee.ethz.ch 
		Subject: [mrtg] Re: cpu
		dear Alex,
		yes, i have the same config file on both the machines,
on one machine
		its working file although that machine also giving me
the same errors
		but creating output mean giving graphs, but on the other
hand the 2nd
		machine giving me the errors but not graphs .
[cpu.1]: at xx.xx.xx.xx
		> Can't use subscript on constant item at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 2, near "1]"
		The error is in line 2. The error is near "1]". What
more do you need?
		All other errors are continuation errors; they will
disappear when you
		fix the real error. alex can u tell me wot sort of
errors these are and
		how to remove them as i have pasted the cfg as well as
error log kindly
		resolve this issue i am in deep trouble
		Alex van den Bogaerdt wrote:
		On Sat, Oct 25, 2003 at 04:00:04AM -0700, mrtg user
		> Well I m using mrtg version 2.9.7, and I have
installed my cpu load 
		> checking for my cisco routers 7500, on two different
machines on one 
		> machine its working perfectly allrite, while on the
other machine its 
		> giving me error and cant creating graphs
		And you're saying that if you compare the two config
files byte by byte,
		there is NO difference at all, including the error in
the Target line?
Target[cpu.1]: at xx.
		> xx.xx.xx
		> Can't use subscript on constant item at mrtg-cpu.cfg
line 2, near "1]"
		The error is in line 2. The error is near "1]". What
more do you need?
		All other errors are continuation errors; they will
disappear when you
		fix the real error.
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