[mrtg] Re: MRTG not processing data

Koelstra, J. (Jan) JKoelstra at MINSZW.NL
Wed Aug 4 09:42:42 MEST 2004


Without your MRTG config file it is hard to tell what is the cause of not displaying anything for a specific target. 
Have you checked the "MaxBytes[...]" value for the Max memory? If this figure is lower then the data polled by your script it will display only 0 in the graphs.
You can also check if you use the the "Gauge" option at the options[...] line.
If these values ar OK and still nothing shows in your graph please post the relevant part of your config file.



-----Original Message-----
From: Allon Bendavid [mailto:allon at imacination.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, August 03, 2004 10:49 PM
To: mrtg
Subject: [mrtg] MRTG not processing data


I've been using MRTG successfully now for a few applications.  However, I recently setup some scripts to grab the total memory and used memory of a Linux server.

In the config I have a local machine set and a remote machine, to the remote machine it executes the command over ssh.

On the remote machine it successfully gathers 3 statistics: Max Memory, Used Memory and Uptime, and displays correctly on the graph.

On the local machine it only displays Used memory, never graphing Max Memory.

I look at the .log file and it looks like this:

1091565601 526159872 519553024
1091565601 0 511143936 0 511143936

I have had the script output to a file the results it polls and it is indeed getting the 3 statistics.  Why is the local device failing?

Any insight would be really appreciated.


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