[mrtg] Overflow with gigabit interfaces
Adell Querol, Christian
cadell.r at tvcatalunya.com
Wed Jan 14 10:13:54 MET 2004
I have a routine which gets data from mrtg's log file. Mrtg uses "long"
data, 32 bits, so its maximum value is 4.294.967.296, this value is
suficient for fast ethernet interfaces, because their maximum throughput is
100Mbits-> 12.500.000 bytes/second. Mrtg gets data each five minutes, 300
seconds, so for fast ethernet interfaces the maximum throughput is
12500.000*300 = 3.750.000.000 < 4.294.967.296 so it works well, but my
problem begins with gigabit interfaces, their max throughput is
125.000.000*300 =
37.500.000.000 > 4.294.967.296 so I ask HOW CAN MRTG deal with this
overflow problem for I can get data from log file without errors?
thanks in advance
Christian Adell Querol
Televisió de Catalunya
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