[mrtg] Ping probe with MRTG

Steve Shipway s.shipway at auckland.ac.nz
Tue Dec 11 02:01:18 CET 2007

Mrtg-ping-probe is nice - small, efficient and useful.  If you move to
RRDTool and use the routers2 frontend, then there is support for
floating bar graphs (min/max ranges) and you can get ping graphs that
look like this:



Of course, if you want *really* fancy ping graphs, take a look at Tobi's
smokeping software.




From: mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch
[mailto:mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of Koelstra, J. (Jan)

Nothing wrong: You have a nice quick LAN, wich results mostly in ping
round trip times of 0ms :-)



	-----Original Message-----
	From: mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch
[mailto:mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of AA Inter.Network
	I need a littile help regarding setting up Ping Probe with MRTG.
	I have able to setup it on Windows2003, but its not updating,
the graphs are updating, but no data is showing in graphs, wht could be
the wrong? pelase check the status at


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