[mrtg] Disconnected interfaces not showing any graphs

Ed LaFrance Ed.LaFrance at newmediaems.com
Fri Jan 26 17:16:47 CET 2007

Hello -

If you look in the .cfg file for your device, you will see that the 
entries for the ports that are not connected are commented out 
(preceded with a '#')- this is the default behavior of cfgmaker, 
though you may be able to override it with some command-line option. 
If you re-run cfgmaker, any ports that have been connected since the 
last run will cause these entries to un-comment, then mrtg will start 
graphing them. You can also just edit the .cfg file manually and 
remove the commenting if you want.


At 07:41 AM 1/26/2007, Cadek, Martin wrote:
>Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>         boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C74160.7FA9CF3A"
>I must be missing something simple, but lets say I have a cisco 
>switch - 24 ports, of which only 12 are connected and in use , well 
>my MRTG cfg file shows a setup for every interface 0/1 - 0/25 , but 
>then while it's running as a deamon it only generates 12 HTML pages 
>skipping over the "Disconnected" interfaces
>this would be fine IF when I connect a new device to a port it would 
>start generating that page, it doesn't , so if I add 6 pc's I still 
>get 12 HTML pages
>plus my switch overview page that shows the 24 .png images ends up 
>with 12 broken links
>is there anything I can do to force a "Blank graph" , obviously if 
>it's disconnected it should show nothing, but I'd like to see the "nothing" :)
>Thank you in advance
>mrtg mailing list
>mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch

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