[mrtg] Need Help to Configure FWSM CPU utilization MRTG graph...

Yogesh Suryawanshi Yogesh.Suryawanshi at wnsgs.com
Sat May 5 15:22:28 CEST 2007

Dear Daniel,

Done the as you have guided about MIB.

Here one more problem arises. After successfully created cfg file.
When I put command 

Perl mrtg fwsm.cfg

It does nothing and I could see my target folder is bank no files are
Here is sample text of my cfg file
### The following interface is commented out because:
### * has a speed of 0 which makes no sense
 wns_ro at
 MaxBytes[]: 100
 routers.cgi*ShortDesc[]:  CPU # 21
 routers.cgi*Options[]: nototal
 bb*svc[]: cpu
 bb*red[]: 90
 bb*yellow[]: 80
 Options[]:  gauge, unknaszero
 WithPeak[]: wmy
 YLegend[]: % Utilization
 ShortLegend[]: %
 Legend1[]: 5 Second Load
 Legend2[]: 1 Minute Load
 LegendI[]:  5sec :
 LegendO[]:  1min :
 Title[]: project
 PageTop[]: <H1>project Processor Load</H1>
    <TR><TD>System:</TD><TD>project  </TD></TR>
    <TR><TD>Location:</TD><TD> </TD></TR>

WorkDir: C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\mrtg\Plant10\cpu


Please help

Yogesh S

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel J McDonald [mailto:dan.mcdonald at austinenergy.com] 
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2007 4:46 PM
To: Yogesh Suryawanshi
Cc: mrtg at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: RE: [mrtg] Need Help to Configure FWSM CPU utilization MRTG

On Fri, 2007-05-04 at 11:11 +0530, Yogesh Suryawanshi wrote:
> HI,
> I got the template file & it successfully creates cfg file.
> But when I do Perl mrtg xxx.cfg it gives me following error.
> =============================================================
> snmpMIB_to_OID: Can't open /usr/share/snmp/mibs/CISCO-SMI-V1SMI.my: No
> such file

The cisco mibs are available at ftp://ftp.cisco.com/pub/mibs/v1
Put them in some common place, and change the paths to refer to them.

> Kindly note that I have windows 2003 as MRTG server & FWSM Firewall
> Version 2.3(3). No idea what snmp version my firewall is running in.
FSWM only support snmp V1

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281, CNX
Austin Energy

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