[mrtg] (no subject)

Lyle Giese lyle at lcrcomputer.net
Mon Aug 4 22:57:32 CEST 2008

Rodge Stumbaugh wrote:
> I am new to mrtg. The previous network admin setup a network bandwidth 
> monitoring application using mrtg and I noticed that most of the 
> ,monitoring is through the switch port that the servers are connected 
> to..is this the best practice? Also, if I want to make changes to 
> correct where I see that several servers are no longer in service and 
> some servers have been assigned to different ports than what is set up 
> in mrtg, is it easier to change the inc files and the html for the 
> monitoring site or is it better to accomplish this through the config 
> maker?
> Thanks,
> Rodge
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Config maker will setup monitoring for the ports on the switch, but it 
won't have a clue as to what is attached to which port on the switch.  
You need to hand edit the files made by config maker for that information. 

Includes are better than one big mrtg.cfg file, esp if you grow and 
decide to use routers2cgi and rrd later.

Lyle Giese
LCR Computer Services, Inc.

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