[mrtg] Okay, I've mentioned this before but once the update_myrouter.bat file once it makes it to the last address it creates the configuration files corresponding the IP xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.cfg(MRTG Bundle v 2.10) that's when the following errors occur.

Garon Ashby gashby at kckcc.edu
Tue Feb 19 14:46:46 CET 2008

Okay, I've mentioned this before but once the update_myrouter.bat file once it makes it to the last address it creates the configuration files corresponding the IP xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.cfg(MRTG Bundle v 2.10) that's when the following errors occur.


Garon Ashby
Network Specialist 
Kansas City Kansas Community College
913 288-7431
gashby at kckcc.edu
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