[mrtg] IP address count

SYED JAHANZAiB ~!~ AA Internet Cable.Network Services aacable at hotmail.com
Thu May 1 16:40:48 CEST 2008

SolarWind is a good tool specially for monitoring. But as per your case, you need a simple script which do the task u wanted, it is very easy but as I dont have much experience regarding scripting, I  cant help u in this regard, maybe some other members will help u :)
Just to give u some idea, i m sharing one of my script which i created , it cat ips from the given file, and take ips and users details and scan there status, if the user is active, its detail will be placed in a text file, in /var/www/html, u can see its result at www.aacablenet.org/lan & /mrtg
i created this script so that i can have view how many ips are active on my lan. just a simple script, MRTG can also be setup using this script so that we can have idea how many active ips/pcs remains online at various timings :) possibly u may get some ideas . . .
[root at GW aacable]# cat lan.sh=============================#!/bin/shrm -fr /var/www/html/lanA=`date | awk  '{print $4}' | sed "s/:/ /" |sed "s/:/ /" | awk '{print $2}'`DATE=`date`UPTIME=`uptime`echo -e "===================================================================" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "AA Cable.Network Services:  <<<  ACTIVE USERS REPORT  >>>" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "The Statistics were Last updated on $DATE" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "System Details:" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "$UPTIME \n" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "===================================================================" >> /var/www/html/lan
num=0cat /firewall/aacable/macip.allowed | sed -e "/^#/d" | while read usersdo
num=$[$num+1]ip=`echo $users | awk '{print $2}'`add=`echo $users | awk '{print $4}'`add2=`echo $users | awk '{print $5}'`add3=`echo $users | awk '{print $6}'`show=`nmap -sP $ip |grep "Nmap finished" | awk '{print $6}' | sed "s/(//" | sed "s/1/ALIVE/" | sed "s/0/DOWN/"`name=`echo $add $add2 $add3`echo -e "$name\t$ip\tis $show" | grep -v "DOWN" |sed /^$/d >> /var/www/html/landoneDATE2=`date`echo -e "\n" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "\n" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "===================================================================" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "For Information, Please Email to aacable at hotmail.com" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "The above statistics were completed on $DATE2" >>/var/www/html/lanB=`date | awk  '{print $4}' | sed "s/:/ /" |sed "s/:/ /" | awk '{print $2}'`TOTIP=`cat /firewall/aacable/macip.allowed | sed -e "/^#/d" | wc -l`echo -e "The script took $[$B-$A] minutes to scan $TOTIP ips on my LAN :)" >> /var/www/html/lanecho -e "===================================================================" >> /var/www/html/lan#done


Date: Thu, 1 May 2008 08:30:14 -0500From: robert.mersberger at goldenliving.comTo: Ertan.Atila at avea.com.tr; mrtg at lists.oetiker.chSubject: Re: [mrtg] IP address count

Checkout Solarwind - IP Address Management. good tool that will scan your subnet as often as you want.

From: mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of Ertan AtilaSent: Thursday, May 01, 2008 6:06 AMTo: mrtg at lists.oetiker.chSubject: [mrtg] IP address count

I need to find out how many real IP addresses are used from our company’s real IP address pool. Someone has told me that this is possible with MRTG, is it true? If yes how, if no does anyone knows a way how to do that? Any help would be really appreciated.
Best Regards 

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