[mrtg] Problems querying log file for IN and OUT numbers

Troy Wical troy at wical.com
Sun Jun 28 14:24:24 CEST 2009

I am trying to graph the amount of emails that are/aren't being  
greylisted.  I have found several scripts that query the log file for  
a certain string, and they work well.  I thought I could just copy the  
script and call a different parameter from a different log file, but I  
seem to be missing something. Regardless of the values I am  
successfully getting when I run the script manually, the value are not  
plotting.  The graph is all zeros. The mrtg log is empty as well.  
Anyone here have an idea?

Scripts I am running:
grep "action=greylist" /var/log/mail.info | /usr/bin/wc -l | /usr/bin/ 
awk '{print $1}'
grep "action=pass" /var/log/mail.info | /usr/bin/wc -l | /usr/bin/awk  
'{print $1}'
uptime | awk '{ print $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12 }'

The output I get when I run the script manually:
host:/etc/mrtg/scripts$ ./greylist.pl
8 days, 15:44, 1 user, load average: 0.02, 0.05, 0.00

the mrtg entry:
Target[localhost.greylist]: `/etc/mrtg/scripts/greylist.pl`
Title[localhost.greylist]: Greylisting
PageTop[localhost.greylist]: <H1>Greylisted vs Accepted</H1>
MaxBytes[localhost.greylist]: 9
AbsMax[localhost.greylist]: 100
YLegend[localhost.greylist]: count
ShortLegend[localhost.greylist]: count
Options[localhost.greylist]: growright,nopercent,gauge
Legend1[localhost.greylist]: Count
Legend2[localhost.greylist]: Count
LegendI[localhost.greylist]: &nbsp;Greylisted&nbsp;
LegendO[localhost.greylist]: &nbsp;Accepted&nbsp;
PNGtitle[localhost.greylist]: emails greylisted vs accepted
TimeStrPos[localhost.greylist]: RU

MacBytes and AbsMax are the only parameters I have not adjusted (I  
also copied the mrtg entry that went with the script I copied.)  If  
those need to be changed, I am not sure what they should be changed to.

Thanks in advance,

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