[mrtg] multi-context templates

McDonald, Dan Dan.McDonald at austinenergy.com
Mon Mar 2 18:44:35 CET 2009

I decided to spend a little time working on my Cisco ACE template.  The
ACE relies on virtualization for many of the features.

In the host template I can detect the presence of multiple contexts by
querying cmVirtContextRowStatus.1 from the
CISCO-MODULE-VIRTUALIZATION-MIB.  I'm not certain how to pass that
information to the interface section of cfgmaker.

A few snmpwalks will illustrate the problem, I think:
$ snmpwalk -l authpriv -u foo -v 3 -x aes -a sha -3k 0x75 -3K 0xed -m CISCO-MODULE-VIRTUALIZATION-MIB rlc-ace-blue cmVirtContextRowStatus.1
CISCO-MODULE-VIRTUALIZATION-MIB::cmVirtContextRowStatus.1.\"awo\" 1
CISCO-MODULE-VIRTUALIZATION-MIB::cmVirtContextRowStatus.1.\"owa\" 1
CISCO-MODULE-VIRTUALIZATION-MIB::cmVirtContextRowStatus.1.\"Admin\" 1
CISCO-MODULE-VIRTUALIZATION-MIB::cmVirtContextRowStatus.1.\"websphere\" 1

$ snmpwalk -l authpriv -u foo -v 3 -x aes -a sha -3k 0x75 -3K 0xed rlc-ace-blue ifName
IF-MIB::ifName.16777226 vlan10
IF-MIB::ifName.16781215 vlan3999
$ snmpwalk -l authpriv -u foo -v 3 -x aes -a sha -3k 0x75 -3K 0xed -n owa rlc-ace-blue ifName
IF-MIB::ifName.16780726 vlan3510
IF-MIB::ifName.16780727 vlan3511
$ snmpwalk -l authpriv -u foo -v 3 -x aes -a sha -3k 0x75 -3K 0xed -n websphere rlc-ace-blue ifName
IF-MIB::ifName.16780716 vlan3500
IF-MIB::ifName.16780717 vlan3501

So, by changing the named context in snmp, I get information about
interfaces associated with different contexts.  While most of the
interesting mibs will be in the host template, I don't know how to
signal to cfgmaker that these additional interfaces exist, and need to
be monitored (and named, since they are not necessarily unique).

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE #2495, CISSP #78281, CNX
Austin Energy

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