[mrtg] Changing from gauge to no gauge

Mick michaelkintzios at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 21:00:18 CET 2009

Hi All,

After a lot of experimentation and change I have grown blind to this.  I am 
capturing two values using a script.  They are:


The top value is the Downstream FECs, the bottom value the Upstream FECs.  Due 
to the nature of the connection (ADSL) the Downstream frequencies experience 
many more errors and the top value increases at much faster rates compared to 
the bottom value.  When I run it like this it works:
Options[modem-errors]: gauge, noinfo, nopercent, growright, nobanner   
Target[modem-errors]: `/opt/bin/perl /opt/etc/mrtg2/test.1800HG-v00e3.pl`
MaxBytes[modem-errors]: 10000

However, when I remove "gauge" from the options all I get is zeros, despite 
the fact that the Downstream FECs continues to increase every few minutes - 
the Upstream only increases a tiny fraction every day or so.

Any idea what I am missing here?
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