[mrtg] Connected Users - Cisco Aironet 1200

Niall O'Reilly Niall.oReilly at ucd.ie
Fri May 21 17:38:26 CEST 2010

On 21/05/10 13:43, Richard Gliebe wrote:
> the only thing, which is missmatching my graph, is this needed MaxBytes
> option in the cfg File.
> This shows me at the left side of the graph this $%"!@# "Bytes per Second".
> It there a way to change this to "connected wireless users"?

	That's not related to 'MaxBytes'.

	Look in the docs for the configuration keywords built from
	the word 'legend': 'Legend{1,2,3,4,I,O}' and 'YLegend'.

	I use this just before the configuration commands for all
	the wireless association counts:

Ylegend[_]: Active Clients

	Have a good weekend!

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