[mrtg] help on SNMPv3 configurtion in .cfg

Cihan Subasi (Garanti Teknoloji) CihanS at garanti.com.tr
Wed Apr 13 15:58:16 CEST 2011

Thank you for the help...I managed to get it run

SnmpOptions[testrtr-s0101]: authkey=>'0x80b746aa503f97bf37e1d93e90438d24',authprotocol=>'md5',privprotocol=>'des',username=>'xxxx',privkey=>'0x5c6d827205aa3b3fd88529b864b4bb72'

From: mrtg-bounces+cihans=garanti.com.tr at lists.oetiker.ch [mailto:mrtg-bounces+cihans=garanti.com.tr at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of Daniel McDonald
Sent: Wednesday, April 13, 2011 3:27 PM
To: mrtg
Subject: Re: [mrtg] help on SNMPv3 configurtion in .cfg

On 4/13/11 6:21 AM, "Cihan Subasi (Garanti Teknoloji)" <CihanS at garanti.com.tr> wrote:

I have not been able to run snmpv3 configured .cfg file, below is mine, can you share with us a sample .cfg or correct our mistakes below? thank you

WorkDir: /export/sun4_share2/testrtr

EnableSnmpV3: yes
Xsize[_]: 550
Ysize[_]: 250
Ytics[_]: 10
Withpeak[_]: ym
#Suppress[_]: y
Interval: 6

Target[testrtr-s0101]: \Serial0/1/0\:1:grnt2011 at
SnmpOptions[testrtr-s0101]: username=>'xxxxxx',authprotocol=>'md5',authkey=>'0x80b746aa503f97bf37e1d93e90438d24',privprotocol=>'3d

If you are using authkey and privkey, you don’t need privpassword or contextengineid, as the privkey is the hash of the privpassword and the contextengineid

I’ll also note this from the Net-SNMP 5.2.0 releasenotes:
    The non-core modules Crypt::DES, Digest::MD5, Digest::SHA1, and
    Digest::HMAC are needed to support SNMPv3.

    In order to support the AES Cipher Algorithm as a SNMPv3 privacy
    protocol, the non-core module Crypt::Rijndael is needed.

Here is a working sample, sanitized...
Target[router1.example.com.cpu1]: cpmCPUTotal5secRev.1&cpmCPUTotal1mi
nRev.1:foo at router1.example.com::3:1:1:3
SnmpOptions[router1.example.com.cpu1]: authkey=>'0xf0aba...',authprotocol=>'sha',privprotocol=>'aescfb128',username=>

Daniel J McDonald, CCIE # 2495, CISSP # 78281

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