[rrd-developers] Re: [patch] gfx/graph fixes for imgformat in

Alex van den Bogaerdt alex at ergens.op.HET.NET
Wed Apr 3 23:25:22 MEST 2002

bias Oetiker wrote:

> > >                                              It's not decided how one
> > > should specify which and how lines are dashed. An extension of the color
> > > specification?
> >
> > Could be as simple as '#RRGGBBAADD' where DD is a ratio similar to the
> > other elements, DD==0xFF meaning solid line just as AA==0xFF means no
> > opacity and RR==0xFF means 100% red.
> such a ratio defines the ratio of short vs long dashes but not
> their frequency ...

Er, oh, yeah.  You want to be able to do '*-------*-------' and
IOW set both the frequency and the duty cycle.

I was thinking about a fixed (or rather: programmer selected) frequency
and a user defined duty cycle.  The grid for instance is something that
has properties the user doesn't need know about (unless --x-grid and such
are set by the user) so IMHO it is the program that needs to calculate a
proper frequency.  Unless of course the frequency is based on some line
property such as the size of each horizontal segment between two adjacent
vertical lines.

Oh well.  s/#RRGGBBAADD/\[#RRGGBB[AA[DD[FF]]]]/
And while we're at it maybe even:
s/#RRGGBBAADD/\[#RRGGBB[AA[DD[FF[WW]]]]]/ where WW stands for
the line width if apropriate (noop for AREA and alike).  This in
stead of the x in LINEx, usable also for grid lines, the frame, the arrow, 
and whatever I forgot to mention.

Perhaps it is time to allow for something such as:

where you should read [[a]AA] as [[ "a" ] <AA> ] and so on.
The resulting modifier could then be:  "#gFFw03" meaning a solid,
not-dashed green line of width 3.  Line widths are specified as a
two-digit hex number just for easy parsing, a line width of 0xFF
clearly is something that should not be asked by a user.

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