[rrd-developers] Re: Developing against librrd

Stanislav Sinyagin ssinyagin at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 23 00:03:59 MET 2003

--- David Olsen <lude at linuxpimpz.com> wrote:
> The collector I'm writing is based on RTG. I've it polling over 1734 interface devices, in a
> matter of a few seconds.
> [root at nina]# time ./rrdpoll 
> Polling 1734 interfaces...
> real    0m4.563s
> user    0m0.821s
> sys     0m0.166s

that's comparable to what I had with Perl, the only difference is that 
"user" is nearly 100% of "real".... 

> RTG uses SQL to store the data, with this kind of beef, RRD stores the data much better, so we'd
> like to use it, unfortunately, we haven't been about to work around the library calls yet.

On their site they say that one of the reasons why they built RTG 
is that rrdtool averages the data. 

And now you want to combine them, thus turning RTG into another RRDTool frontend. 
I suspect that the RTG guys won't support this add-on, and you'll have 
to maintain your own branch, which makes things complicated. 
Why not just improving one of the existing RRDtool frontends?


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