[rrd-developers] Re: add/remove DS

Pascal Gloor pascal.gloor at spale.com
Mon May 8 09:58:59 MEST 2006

Hi Tobias,
> > rrdtool merge <file1 in> <file2 in> [file out] (stdout if omitted)
> - what will you do when the step size of the two files does not match?

Good question, probably reject the merge. (TODO for rrd format 4, add
step per DS ? ;P)

> > rrdtool remove <filename> <DS:ds-name>
> >
> > rrdtool add <filename in> <filename out> <the rest identical to
> > rrdcreate>
> - how do you differentiate functionality from rrdtool tune (on a
>   logical conceptual level)? Could these be added to tune ?

On a syntax point of view, rrdtune is probably the best place to
implement it, that's right.

> > rrdtool upgrade <filename in> [filename out] (stdout if omitted)
> - this would be rrdtool dump and rrdtool restore rolled into one?

It was late when I wrote the mail. dump to stdout and restore from stdin
gives the same result. However, some people dont want to care about such
things, they want the tool to do it (and often they dont know this will
do it), so we could handle the xml internally and just pass it from the
dump function to the restore function.

> - it seems to me, that there are a number of basic functions
>   involved when implenting the more complex functions. Like:
>   - alter step size of an rrd
>   - add DS from rrd1 to rrd2
>   - add/remove RRA
>   - alter RRA interval size
>   did you plan on exposing this functionality too ?

Like above, those would be nice to have in rrdtune.

> - in what language are you planning on implementing these things?

C89 (syntax and C library functions). I dont see any need for something
else. file I/O, memory allocation is, IMHO all I need.

I will first work on the easiest functions to get a bit familiar with
your code and functions in order to avoid reinventing the wheel.

I will take v1.2.13 as work basis. let me know if that's fine.

And, I will focus on the functions I personnaly need, high performance
add/removal of DS (cause you could do it using the XML and some perl,
but that way too slow for what I need).


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