[rrd-developers] rrdtool 1.3 is drawing near (last feature is in)

Mark Plaksin happy at usg.edu
Thu May 1 19:27:53 CEST 2008

Tobias Oetiker <tobi at oetiker.ch> writes:

> Hi Mark,
> sorry ... I am lost what is image-only ? I can not find that option
> in rrdtool ? Do you mean only-graph ? With the new interface you
> always get all the meta information, and the old interface shoud
> stay exactly as it was in 1.2 so that old applications will not
> break ... please enlighten me.

Sorry.  Mindo!  I meant --only-graph.

For us this command:
/usr/local/happy/bin/rrdtool graphv ./graphs/happy-0-overlay.png --only-graph -h 100 -w 1200 --lower 0.0000000000e+00 --upper 9.9000000000e+01 -i -W 'Yakety Stats' -E --font DEFAULT:8:/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf -s 1208889908 -e 1209926708 --rigid --only-graph --rigid -i -W 'Yakety Stats' -E --font DEFAULT:8:/usr/share/fonts/bitstream-vera/Vera.ttf -s 1208889908 -e 1209926708 --rigid -t 'aardvark.example.com/cpu' -v '' --color CANVAS#FFFFFF DEF:WUB0=/rrd/aardvark.example.com/cpu/idle.rrd:yabba:MAX DEF:WUB1=/rrd/aardvark.example.com/cpu/iowait.rrd:yabba:MAX DEF:WUB2=/rrd/aardvark.example.com/cpu/sys.rrd:yabba:MAX DEF:WUB3=/rrd/aardvark.example.com/cpu/user.rrd:yabba:MAX LINE1:WUB0#74C366:'aardvark cpu idle' 'COMMENT:\n' VDEF:AVG0=WUB0,AVERAGE 'GPRINT:AVG0:\tAv%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MIN0=WUB0,MINIMUM 'GPRINT:MIN0:Min%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MAX0=WUB0,MAXIMUM 'GPRINT:MAX0:Max\:%9.2lf%s\n' LINE1:WUB1#6DC8FE:'aardvark cpu iowait' 'COMMENT:\n' VDEF:AVG1=WUB1,AVERAGE 'GPRINT:AVG1:\tAv%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MIN1=WUB1,MINIMUM 'GPRINT:MIN1:Min%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MAX1=WUB1,MAXIMUM 'GPRINT:MAX1:Max\:%9.2lf%s\n' LINE1:WUB2#EA8F00:'aardvark cpu sys' 'COMMENT:\n' VDEF:AVG2=WUB2,AVERAGE 'GPRINT:AVG2:\tAv%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MIN2=WUB2,MINIMUM 'GPRINT:MIN2:Min%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MAX2=WUB2,MAXIMUM 'GPRINT:MAX2:Max\:%9.2lf%s\n' LINE1:WUB3#FF0000:'aardvark cpu user' 'COMMENT:\n' VDEF:AVG3=WUB3,AVERAGE 'GPRINT:AVG3:\tAv%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MIN3=WUB3,MINIMUM 'GPRINT:MIN3:Min%9.2lf%s' VDEF:MAX3=WUB3,MAXIMUM 'GPRINT:MAX3:Max\:%9.2lf%s\n' 

returns only this:
value_min = 0.0000000000e+00
value_max = 9.9000000000e+01

I can try to find a smaller example command but I probably won't be able
to do it until next week.

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