[rrd-developers] Platform-specific issues with old libraries (was: Preview for updated RRDTool PHP extension and userland wrapper)

Benny Baumann BenBE at geshi.org
Mon Aug 24 17:30:23 CEST 2009


Am 24.08.2009 16:49, schrieb D. Walsh:
> There is an issue with RRD files generated on PPC machines examined on
> an x86 machine and vice-versa.
I guess you mean something like this?

The only thing you could do about this was writing a conversion tool
that could read RRD files and convert them to your native format. The
easier way was rrd_dumping them on one platform and examining the RRD
files after reimporting the XML dump on the target platform.
> Originally I had intentions of correcting this issue however since I
> am designing for vendor specific, a version requirement of 1.0.49 is
> explicitly required.
rrd_dump and rrd_restore should have existed back than I guess ;-)?
> I tried to discuss this with Tobi (adding 32/64 bit support) to the
> older library however he was unwilling and since then I have done
> little with the wrapper.
Well, I (as maintainer of GeSHi) can understand Tobi that he doesn't
like to integrate backported features into obsolete versions. The work
isn't worth the effort; yet I guess patches appreciated ;-) I avoid
backporting myself as much as possible; in fact this wrapper more or
less requires librrd v1.3.999 (recent SVN trunk versions) to run as it
uses some features from there (recently added due to my askings).
> If you can do anything to get the older 1.0.49 library to work with
> 32/64bit generated files (I believe it's just size issues) I would be
> more than happy to help you with the PHP extension.
Not only size issues. PPC and x86 use different Endianisms and if I got
the workings on the Portable RRD Fileformat page I linked above right,
even some differences with NaNs. Also the size of int (favouritely used
in those old RRD versions) is heavily dependent on the system you
compiled for.


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