[rrd-users] Update RRD Database with data

Cesare Tensi ctensi at wind.it
Wed Dec 1 13:44:22 MET 1999

Hi folks,

I'm using RRD for statistic purpose for our system (Solaris, Linux and HP).
Using "sar", and other utilities, some script collect data and some perl-scripts
are demanded for update RRD database and make gif-image (for 
-------------- next part --------------

?last-day" and
"last-week"). All data are available throught www-server and some web-form is
demanded for making on-the-fly gif for particolary data-time.

Some time I need to update the database with data that are older to the last
data present in it. Is possible to make this?

Thanks for attention,

Network N/SD-OSS
Wind Telecomunicazioni S.p.A.
Via C.G. Viola, 48
I-00148 Rome (Italy)
Tel:   +39 06 8311.3782
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E-Mail: cesare.tensi at wind.it

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