[rrd-users] NewLine prepended to each GPRINT line

Brander, Eric Eric.Brander at ACS-INC.com
Fri Feb 7 15:33:02 MET 2003

How do I get a newline prepended to each GPRINT line and also on the legend?
Currently, when I create graph with this:

rrdtool graph weather.gif DEF:Humidity=weather.rrd:Humidity:AVERAGE
LINE3:Humidity#0000AA:"Humidity"  LINE3:Temperature#FF0000:"Temperature"
"GPRINT:Humidity:MAX:Max Humidity "%%lf%%s\\l "GPRINT:Temperature:MAX:Max
Temperature "%%lf%%s\\l
(from a DOS .bat file, hence the double %'s and \'s)

I get the attached GIF

The first GPRINT line (humidity) gets crammed on to the end of the legend.
The second GPRINT gets placed on the next line, but I don't know why.  How
can I make both GPRINTS (and others I'll be adding) start on a newline?  I'd
love to format my legend just as 14all does, but I just don't know enough
about Perl to successfully interpret what its trying to do.  Baby steps,
baby steps, I'll get this figured out eventually.

Eric Brander
Texas CHIP Account
Sr. Communications Engineer - Information Systems Department
Eric dot Brander at acs-inc dot com

-- Attached file removed by Ecartis and put at URL below --
-- Type: image/gif
-- Size: 13k (13665 bytes)
-- URL : http://www.ee.ethz.ch/~slist/pantomime/weather.gif

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