[rrd-users] Re: newbie help please - RRDTOOL GPRINT/LTIME (using Perl module)
Matchan, Neil W
Neil.W.Matchan at team.telstra.com
Mon May 12 02:15:39 MEST 2003
Thanks all,
Went for the RRDs::fetch solution.
Couldn't get anything except 1974 dates using "$my_start = localtime($data->[0]) ;" so
I used a bit of code from the RRDTOOL web site.
For others who may want to do this in future, heres the code:
# Create a RRDTOOL Graph #
sub makeTrafficGraph: {
my $rrdGraphWidth = ($graphwidth / $rrdRow);
if ($rrdRow ne "1") {
$rrdGraphWidth = ($rrdGraphWidth - $graphwidthadjust);
($graphTimeTextStart, $graphTimeTextEnd) = getRRDates("$rrdroot$network$rrdname\.rrd");
my $graphTitle = ("$rrdDevice\, $interfaceName");
if (($deviceText eq "") && ($portName ne "")) { $graphTitle = $portName };
if (($deviceText ne "") && ($portName eq "")) { $graphTitle = $deviceText };
if (($graphBaseLine eq "") && ($graphType ne "Memory")) { $graphBaseLine = "1000" };
$graphBaseLine = "1000";
my $imageName = ("$rrdname\_$rrdInterval\_$rrdPeriod\_$rrdType\_$graphType\_$rrdRow");
RRDs::graph "$rrdroot$network$imageName.png",
"--title", "$graphTitle",
"--start", "$graphStartDate",
"--end", "$graphEndDate",
"--step", "300",
"--color", "GRID#999999",
"--color", "FONT#000000",
"--color", "SHADEB#000000",
"--color", "CANVAS#FFFFFF",
"--base", "$graphBaseLine",
"--lower-limit", "0",
"LINE1:r01inbound#00D000:$rrdDevice Inbound $interfaceName\, Speed $speed, Starts $graphTimeTextStart",
"LINE1:r01outbound#0000D0:$rrdDevice Outbound $interfaceName\, Speed $speed, Ends $graphTimeTextEnd";
if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) {
print $cgi->h3("ERROR Graph: $ERROR\n");
return ("/rrdtool/$network$imageName");
# Extract RRD samples 'start' and 'end' times. #
sub getRRDates {
my $rrdname = shift(@_);
my ($start,$step,$names,$data) = RRDs::fetch("$rrdname", "MAX",
"--start", "$graphStartDate",
"--end", "$graphEndDate");
if ($ERROR = RRDs::error) {
print $cgi->h3("ERROR Graph: $ERROR\n");
$graphTimeTextStart = "not available";
$graphTimeTextEnd = "not available";
return("$graphTimeTextStart", "$graphTimeTextEnd");
my ($temp0,$temp1,$temp2,$temp3,$temp4,$temp5,$temp6,$temp7) = localtime($start);
$temp4 = ($temp4 + 1);
if ($temp1 < 10) { $temp1 = "0" . $temp1 };
if ($temp2 < 10) { $temp2 = "0" . $temp2 };
if ($temp3 < 10) { $temp3 = "0" . $temp3 };
if ($temp4 < 10) { $temp4 = "0" . $temp4 };
my $graphTimeTextStart = ($temp2 . "\\:" . $temp1 . "hrs on " . ($temp5 + 1900) . $temp4 . $temp3);
# Loop until end of sample period reached. Add 'step' interval to 'start' time to calculate 'end' time. #
# I use to use "$start = $start + ($step * ($arraysize - 1));" but this doesn't allow for the value of #
# 'step' changing within the specified sample period. Looping and extracting each instance of 'step' avoids #
# this problem. Some adjustment is required as we always end one 'step' period past our end date/time. #
foreach my $line (@$data) {
$start = $start + $step;
$start = $start - $step;
my ($temp0,$temp1,$temp2,$temp3,$temp4,$temp5,$temp6,$temp7) = localtime($start);
$temp4 = ($temp4 + 1);
if ($temp1 < 10) { $temp1 = "0" . $temp1 };
if ($temp2 < 10) { $temp2 = "0" . $temp2 };
if ($temp3 < 10) { $temp3 = "0" . $temp3 };
if ($temp4 < 10) { $temp4 = "0" . $temp4 };
my $graphTimeTextEnd = ($temp2 . "\\:" . $temp1 . "hrs on " . ($temp5 + 1900) . $temp4 . $temp3);
return("$graphTimeTextStart", "$graphTimeTextEnd");
Many thanks to those who helped,
Neil M
-----Original Message-----
From: Stanley Hopcroft [mailto:Stanley.Hopcroft at IPAustralia.Gov.AU]
Sent: Friday, 9 May 2003 5:16 PM
To: Matchan, Neil W
Cc: rrd_user_mail_list
Subject: Re: [rrd-users] newbie help please - RRDTOOL GPRINT/LTIME
(using Perl module)
Dear Sir,
I hope I have understood you correctly but I think you have done all the
hard stuff already (and I thank you for it because I am using rrdcgi at
the moment and you have provided a wonderful example of doing the same
thing with RRDs::graph that I can use with CGI.pm [in this case to have
a fill out form to get the start and end dates]).
Perhaps I haven't understood your question but if you only want the
start and end dates in a consistent format (struct tm or time_t or
localtime format) all I think you need do is
1 Use RRDs::fetch to get the start and end data
2 use Perls localtime function in a scalar context on the first element
of the array ref that fetch returns
somthing like
(undef, undef, $data) = RRDs::fetch(<your_rrd>, <your_CF>, '--start',
<your_start>, '--end', <your_start> + step>) ;
$my_start = localtime($data->[0]) ;
Yours sincerely.
Stanley Hopcroft
'...No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the
continent, a part of the main. If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less, as well as if a promontory were, as well as if a
manor of thy friend's or of thine own were. Any man's death diminishes
me, because I am involved in mankind; and therefore never send to know
for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee...'
from Meditation 17, J Donne.
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