[rrd-users] gauges

Joe Loiacono jloiacon at csc.com
Mon Apr 7 16:50:19 CEST 2008

rrd-users-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch wrote on 04/05/2008 03:47:12 PM:
> Understood. And if I understand the purposes for MIN MAX and AVERAGE,
> they can be used additionally in a GAUGE context. I can understand
> their use in COUNTER types for net traffic etc.

I think that MIN, MAX, AVG, can apply to either COUNTER or GAUGE in the 
same manner. I think the chief difference between COUNTER and GAUSE is 
simply in the retrieval of the information.

A COUNTER is a reading that accumulates and for each new reading, the 
previous reading must be subtracted. This is typical of interface traffic 
which grows with each reading until the counter 'wraps.'

A GUAGE is a reading that is accurate as is for that reading. There is no 
need to subtract a previous reading. Temperature guages are an example of 

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