[rrd-users] Beginner: please help ....

Boer, Martin martin.boer at atosorigin.com
Tue Apr 8 08:27:01 CEST 2008

Hi Adrian,

My rrdtool has lots of problems with the Consolidation Function TOTAL
and with the use of the word NOW in the update statemet and I can't find
any comment on either on the webpage of www.rrdtool.org so I'm kinda
struggling here.

My -guess- is that you're updating in the future (NOW+120) and fetching
from the past NOW-24*60


-----Original Message-----
From: rrd-users-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch
[mailto:rrd-users-bounces at lists.oetiker.ch] On Behalf Of Adrian Koepe
Sent: maandag 7 april 2008 16:34
To: rrd-users at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: [rrd-users] Beginner: please help ....


i'm new to rrdtool - i know that my question has been put in the past at
least for several times and yes i read the tutorial/man pages - and i
try to do the following:
- read each min / 5th min a value, store it in the rrd and get the sum
of all these values for 1 hour.
- create the daily graph (in hour step), the weekly graph (day step),
the monthly graph (week step) and the yearly graph (month step)
- so based on the tutorial i've created the following files and results:

create "test.rrd" --start NOW --step 60 DS:test:GAUGE:120:0.0:U
rrdtool update test.rrd NOW+60:10 NOW+120:0 NOW+180:20 ...
rrdtool fetch test.rrd TOTAL --start NOW-24*60 --end NOW

the result is NaN for all 24 hours. Why? What did i misunderstood?!


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