[rrd-users] rrd graph issues

Emily Ann Chouinard cousin17 at msu.edu
Thu Jul 3 16:20:19 CEST 2008

Hi all, I've been working with my graph for awhile to try to figure out why 
I get values greater than 100% for my graph, which isn't possible. Here is 
my graph definition
	  '--lower-limit', '0',	
	  'DEF:uj=cpu.rrd:user:AVERAGE', #define number of jiffies
	  'DEF:nj=cpu.rrd:nice:AVERAGE',#which are the number of ticks
         'GPRINT:maxN:  Max %6.2lf%%',
         'GPRINT:minN:  Min %6.2lf%%',
         'GPRINT:avgN:  Avg %6.2lf%%\l',
         'GPRINT:maxS:Max %6.2lf%%',
         'GPRINT:minS:  Min %6.2lf%%',
         'GPRINT:avgS:  Avg %6.2lf%%\l',
         'GPRINT:maxU:  Max %6.2lf%%',
         'GPRINT:minU:  Min %6.2lf%%',
         'GPRINT:avgU:  Avg %6.2lf%%\l',
 	  'GPRINT:maxI:  Max %6.2lf%%',
 	  'GPRINT:minI:  Min %6.2lf%%',
 	  'GPRINT:avgI:  Avg %6.2lf%%\l',
	  '--title','Hourly CPU Usage',
	  'COMMENT:' + cur_date + '')
As you can tell I have 4 data sources being graphed, and I contvert these 
DERIVE DST into percentages so the maximum percentage is 100%, and I'm 
getting a graph that graph above 100%. Also I've put a limit on the graph to 
try to cope with this issue, Max 100 Min 0 and it starts off good but once 
it updates then the limit doesn't  apply anymore. I'm not sure what's going 
on here and why, when the values aren't greated than 100 (they're about 98 
or 99). Does it have anything to do with the STACK command? Please any help 
would be appreciated! 

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