[rrd-users] [rrd] Can't I turn off data smoothing for GAUGE?

Marc MERLIN marc_rrd at merlins.org
Thu Aug 19 16:35:20 CEST 2010

On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 10:49:22PM -0700, Philip Peake wrote:
>                     *rate = pdp_new[ds_idx] / interval;*
>                     break;
> If this line is removed, it will behave as documented.
> I can not really see any point in this, a gauge is a gauge, its not a rate.
Well, there is a point if you're logging temperatures let's say, which is
likely what many are doing with GAUGE.

If weather is warming up, I could have (offsets/values)

0m     10m   17m    30m

10.0F  11F   11.7F  13F  

rrdtool has to store in those slots:
0m     10m   20m    30m

and you'd likely want it to store:
10.0F  11F   12F    13F  

But that's great with temperatures, it's not great with all data types,
including "is my mailbox opened or closed" (if I stored a '1', then rrdtool
should return 1, not 0.92 because I sent the sample a bit late).

See my other mail on how to accomplish that. Short of going through all the
work of a new data type to support this, a creation flag for GAUGE that
would say --raw-values would take care of this assuming the RRD format has a
spare bit somewhere that would support saving that flag for GAUGE.

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