[smokeping-users] Holes in graphs

Eric Chatham echatham at broadvox.net
Wed Apr 22 20:55:49 CEST 2009

Thank you for your support.  I'm going to give it a try.  :)

Eric Chatham
Broadvox MIS Department
(216) 373-4683
echatham at broadvox.net

From: Peter Kristolaitis [mailto:alter3d at alter3d.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 13:58
To: Eric Chatham
Cc: smokeping-users at lists.oetiker.ch
Subject: Re: [smokeping-users] Holes in graphs

The probe defined right under the "*** Targets ***" clause is treated as the default probe for all hosts if you don't specify one.   Explicitly specifying a probe for a host/host group is basically just an override.

The same logic is applied to pretty much everything in SmokePing's config file, by the way:  any time you go from a one configuration directive to a 'child' one (e.g. +option to ++suboption), the child inherits all of the options of the parent unless you override them, and the child's children inherit the overridden settings unless you override them again.

- Peter

(Sorry for the dupe email, Eric, just resending for the benefit of the list -- my original reply got queued for approval due to message size, and I figured it was easier to cancel it and just truncate the reply.)

Eric Chatham wrote:
Looks pretty logical, thanks.  Would I have to define a probe for *every* hostgroup if I did this, or could I leave the SIP_Cust hostgroup (and other hostgroups, like TestCustomers, Employees, etc) alone and as they are now?

Eric Chatham
Broadvox MIS Department
(216) 373-4683
echatham at broadvox.net<mailto:echatham at broadvox.net>

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