[smokeping-users] CiscoRTTMonTcpConnect difficulties with Cisco 7200 VXR series

Stokkenes Vidar Vidar.Stokkenes at hn-ikt.no
Mon Feb 1 15:00:29 CET 2010

Hello folks,

I seem to be having problems with doing RTT checks via SNMP using a Cisco 7204 VXR router as the probe device. We are currently running Smokeping v2.004002 on the server.

Here is a sample of my config:

Global probe config:

+ CiscoRTTMonTcpConnect

forks = 5
offset = 50%
step = 300
timeout = 60

Host config:

++++++ LocationAtoB
menu = LocationAtoB
title = Roundtrip from Location A to Location B
probe = CiscoRTTMonTcpConnect
host = routerB.domain.com
port = 22
ioshost = community at routerA.domain.com

But my logfile says the following:

Feb  1 14:28:16 server smokeping[9574]: SNMP Error: Received SNMP response with error code   error status: commitFailed   index 1 (OID: SNMPv2c_Session (remote host: "routerB.domain.com" [].161)                    community: "community"                   request ID: 1390275956                  PDU bufsize: 8000 bytes                      timeout: 2s                      retries: 5                      backoff: 1)  at /usr/lib/smokeping/SNMP_util.pm line 786

According to the Cisco 7200 documentation it should support the CISCO-RTTMON-MIB, but maybe the answer smokeping gets from the router is considered as "rubbish" (as the logfile implies) Also, when I ssh from the CLI from routerA to routerB it works without a problem. All the graphs with this probe is empty. I am doing the same against a Cisco Catalyst 6500 with no problems at all.

Can someone please tell me why this won't work?

Best regards,

Vidar S

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