[smokeping-users] Smoke isnt build website stats ? :(

Ton Muller spatieman at online.nl
Tue Sep 6 15:51:07 CEST 2011

I got finaly smokeping running on my openBSD box (4.9)
after strugeling with the conf files, i manage to run smokeping.
i see the data in the DB directory.
but smokeping is refusing to build the website in htdocs/smokeping.

any advice??

Below my config
i use smokeping on LAN webserver only.

*** General ***

owner    = Ton Muller
contact  = admin@<domain>
mailhost = mail.<domain>
sendmail = /usr/sbin/sendmail
imgcache = /var/www/htdocs/smokeping/img
imgurl   =
pagedir  = /var/www/htdocs/smokeping
datadir  = /var/db/smokeping
piddir  = /var/run/smokeping
cgiurl   =
smokemail = /etc/smokeping/smokemail
tmail = /etc/smokeping/tmail
# specify this to get syslog logging
syslogfacility = local0
# each probe is now run in its own process
# disable this to revert to the old behaviour
# concurrentprobes = no

*** Alerts ***
to = alert at xs4non.nl
from = smokealert at xs4non.nl

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = ==0%,==0%,==0%,==0%,>0%,>0%,>0%
comment = suddenly there is packet loss

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = >0%,*12*,>0%,*12*,>0%
comment = loss 3 times  in a row

type = loss
# in percent
pattern = ==S,>0%,>0%,>0%
comment = loss at startup

type = rtt
# in milli seconds
pattern = <10,<10,<10,<10,<10,<100,>100,>100,>100
comment = routing mesed up again ?

*** Database ***
step     = 300
pings    = 20

# consfn mrhb steps total
AVERAGE  0.5   1  1008
AVERAGE  0.5  12  4320
    MIN  0.5  12  4320
    MAX  0.5  12  4320
AVERAGE  0.5 144   720
    MAX  0.5 144   720
    MIN  0.5 144   720

*** Presentation ***
template = /etc/smokeping/basepage.html

+ overview
width = 600
height = 50
range = 10h

+ detail
width = 600
height = 200
unison_tolerance = 2

"Last 3 Hours"    3h
"Last 30 Hours"   30h
"Last 10 Days"    10d
"Last 400 Days"   400d

## Colors for loss
++ loss_colors
1    00ff00  "<1"
3    0000ff  "<3"
1000 ff0000  ">=3"

## Colors for uptime
++ uptime_colors

3600     00ff00   "<1h"
86400    0000ff   "<1d"
604800   ff0000   "<1w"
1000000000000 ffff00 ">1w"

*** Probes ***
### Probes - The is where we define we want to
### use icmp through fping. We also need to tell
### smokeping where fling resides
+ FPing
binary = /usr/local/sbin/fping
hostinterval = 1.5
mininterval = 0.001
offset = 50%
packetsize = 500
timeout = 1.5

*** Targets ***
probe = FPing

menu = Top
title = Network Latency Grapher
remark = Welcome to the SmokePing website

+ Local_Network
menu = Local Network
title = Local Network

++ OpenBSD_Machine
title = Internal_Machine Box
host =
alerts = bigloss

++ Border_Router
title = Border Router of ISP
host =
alerts = bigloss

and here the modded smokeping.cgi

#!/usr/local/bin/speedy -w
# -*-perl-*-

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

use Smokeping 2.003006;


=head1 NAME

smokeping.cgi - SmokePing webfrontend


When installing SmokePing, this file has to be adjusted to fit your
local system. Three paths have to be entered.

 use lib qw(/usr/local/bin/rrdtool);

One pointing to your B<rrdtool> installation

 use lib qw(/usr/local/libdata/perl5/site_perl/smokeping);

One pointing to the place where you have installed the SmokePing libraries

 use Smokeping;


The third path is the argument to the Smokeping::cgi command. It points to
the SmokePing configuration file.



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