[smokeping-users] Smokeping FastCGI Woes

Simon Liang simonjai at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 10:55:59 CEST 2013


I have discovered that during this high load period, the web server is
actually doing all the rebuild and preparation that it does when
Smokeping is first started.

The poller was not started, so what actually causes this? Does
Smokeping do some kind of auto refresh?


On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 4:01 PM, Simon Liang <simonjai at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey,
> They're actually on two separate blade servers. Smokeping poller is on a
> server by itself, and the web is also on a server by itself. There is
> absolutely nothing on them except Smokeping.
> Could it be that over a period of time, smokeping_cgi is run in which it's
> try to rebuild everything again?
> I used to run everything all on one server, so when the config gets changed
> I see the server lag a bit (assuming it's preparing everything again) and
> then will come back. However this is shouldn't be the case, as the config is
> only rsync'd to the web server when a restart on the poller is executed.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> On Sat, Oct 19, 2013 at 12:55 AM, <ITheodoridis at bankofgreece.gr> wrote:
>> Is there anything else running on the same physical server? I mean
>> except those two VMs you are talking about. Could it be there is a
>> resource issue there? Have you tried giving it another core and see how
>> it goes with performance? I have had similar problems with VMs running
>> classic MRTG (without RRD) and things got a lot better when I added
>> another core on those VMs.
>> I 'm definitely interested to see what answer you will get on the
>> subject in the end.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Simon Liang [mailto:simonjai at gmail.com]
>> Sent: Friday, October 18, 2013 2:04 AM
>> To: smokeping-users at lists.oetiker.ch
>> Subject: [smokeping-users] Smokeping FastCGI Woes
>> Hi there,
>> I've been running an early 2.6 version of Smokeping and recently decided
>> to upgrade to the latest 2.6.9. The polling side of Smokeping is rock
>> solid, however it's quite the opposite with the change to FastCGI. I
>> thought this would be a good place to start and hope someone can help
>> me.
>> Just some background of my current setup. I have separated the Polling
>> (forked with FPing) and web service side of Smokeping into two VMs (to
>> reduce the load the server). The config files are rsynced from the
>> poller to the web and the RRD files are shared via NFS.
>> Poller VM - 8 vCPU, 16GB RAM
>> Web VM - 4 vCPU, 16GB RAM
>> I understand when the web side of Smokeping starts (after a config
>> change), it does a lot of things under the hood. To address this issue,
>> on restarts I create an IP table rule on the web server so only the
>> poller can access it via port 80, I then use curl to trigger the first
>> (and only) session. Once it's completed I remove the IP table rule so it
>> becomes accessible. This works quite work and everything works fine.
>> But after a random period of time, the load on the web server spikes up
>> quite high, memory starts swapping and the server becomes almost
>> unresponsive.
>> This is a screenshot of the web server under load (before I upgraded to
>> 16GB RAM)
>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11792766/Work/smokeping_load.JPG
>> The spikes in the graph are when the load on the server just randomly
>> spikes up and I'm forced to restart Smokeping manually.
>> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/11792766/Work/smokeping_stats.JPG
>> I can assure you there are no cron jobs running which may be loading up
>> the server. On peak hour traffic I have maybe 100 requests per minute.
>> Here is my Apache (fcgid) config: http://pastebin.com/QU6XRcFg
>> If you need any more information please let me know.
>> Cheers,
>> Simon
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