[smokeping-users] Apache2 error on Debian 10

Gabriel Filion gabster at lelutin.ca
Tue Dec 10 18:47:38 CET 2019

Hello Michal,

sorry to answer you only two months later

On 2019-10-21 10:17 a.m., Michal Bulik wrote:
> On a Debian 10.1 the smokeping web page appears as text only and in the
> apache2 error log there are plenty of error messages like this one :
> [Mon Oct 21 16:09:19.697208 2019] [cgid:error] [pid 5189:tid 
> 139766859249408] [client 192.168.XXX.YYY:35808] AH01264: script not 
> found or unable to stat: /usr/lib/cgi-bin/js, referer: 
> http://<myserver>.<mydomain>/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi?target=<one of my 
> targets>
> The error messages may also concern /usr/lib/cgi-bin/css.
> Is this related to something missing on the server ? Or maybe a security 
> setting ?

There was a bug report[0] about this on the debian package, and I've
committed a change to patches so that the css and js would show up
correctly, but the fix was not yet pushed out to a new package.

[0]: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=929515

in the meantime you can change your URL to use the /smokeping alias
instead of /cgi-bin -- this would look like the following for the main page:


I'll see if I can push out the fix to debian soon so that URLs with
/cgi-bin/smokeping.cgi show up correctly again (this would remove the
need to change all URLs everywhere if you've linked to that from many

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